Alsagers Bank
Primary Academy

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

   School Office

Our School Bursar  - Mrs P Bagnall

Our School Clerical Assistant -  Mrs K Dutton


Mrs Bagnall or Mrs Dutton will be your first point of contact whenever you ring or visit Alsagers Bank Primary Academy. If as a parent you have a query, please speak to either Mrs Bagnall or Mrs Dutton who will be happy to help you.

Please contact the office on 01782 720406 or by email 


Our school office is available from 8:30 am until 3:30 pm, when we will be happy to take your calls and answer any queries you may have. Calls received outside of the normal school day will be answered by our messaging service and we will get back to you as soon as possible. (Please remember to leave your number along with your message.)

To assist you we have also answered some general questions and queries in our FAQ section below. For more information regarding our policies or procedures please refer to our policy documents and school prospectus found in our Policies, Legal Data and OFSTED and Parent sections of the Website.


If you are thinking about your child joining Alsagers Bank Primary Acadmey, then we would like to thank you for considering our school and would ask that you contact us, at the office, to arrange a visit.

Nursery Places

We run a full time nursery and honour both the 15 and 30 hours of funding. If you are entitled to 30 hours you must apply for your code before the beginning of every term. This means applying three times a year. This code must then be given to Mrs Bagnall to secure your child's hours. If you only need 15 hours they attend nursery every morning of the week from 8:45am to 11.45pm. This supports them in their transition to school and builds their routine ready for Reception. Wrap around is available, for those children doing 15 hours to stay for the afternoons. More information about how to do this and the cost can be found from the office. 

Once you have applied we offer a transition process whereby we arrange three visits to see your child before they join us. More information is provided at the time.

To apply you can download an application form by clicking the following link or email

Reception Places

If your child will be 4 years old between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025 and you are considering applying for a place at our school, then please note that the application process for Staffordshire opens 1st November 2024. You can apply at You will also find much useful information regarding the Application Process and dates as to when to expect an offer of placement for your child.

School Dinners

All Reception and KS1 children currently receive a Free school meal under the government's Universal Infant Free School Meals Criteria. You do not need to apply, simply let your child's class teacher know.

The cost for school lunch is currently £2.54 per day for KS2 children.

Free School Meals

If you have a child in KS2 they may be entitled to free school meals if you are in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income Related Employement Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit with a total annual income of LESS than £16,190,  but NOT receiving Working Tax Credit
  • The Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Assylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit

If you think that you may be eligible , then please apply online


Remember, by applying for free school meals for your child, you are also helping your child's school - For every child registered for free school meals the school receives extra funding, known as Pupil Premium, which helps the school raise achievement levels, therefore helping your child as well as others. All schools now publish how they spend Pupil Premium and the impact the funding has had on achievement. You will find the information about Pupil Premium at Alsagers Bank Primary Academy in our Legal Data and OFSTED section of our Website.

You can also apply for Free School Meals at the office. 

Morning Snack

Children can order snacks each day consisting of a pain breakfast biscuit, a strawberry breakfast biscuit or a brioche bun, a drink and a choice of fresh fruit. These should be paid for at the beginning of the week, for the whole week, via Parentpay. 

Water Bottles - We ask that children bring a labelled water bottle from home each day.  

At Alsagers Bank Primary Academy all children are actively encouraged to drink fresh water periodically throughout the day, and they all have access to our fresh, cold, filtered water fountain sited on our main corridor. The children are  now asked to bring in their own labelled water bottle from home to use in school.  


The safety of all our children here at Alsagers Bank Primary Academy is paramount, therefore we need to know where they are throughout the school day. If your child is unwell and too poorly to attend school, please let us know as early as possible.

Similarly, if your child is going to arrive at school late please let us know as soon as possible, and remember they will need to be signed in at the front window of the office, when they do arrive at school.


As you are no doubt aware, new legislation is now in place regarding parents requests for authorised absences due to family holidays, and extenuating circumstances. Please see our Attendance Policy, found in the Legal Data and OFSTED, Policies and the Parent section of our Website.

Medicines in School

Sometimes it is necessary for children to receive medicines during the school day, e.g. if your child is well enough to return to school after an illness but has yet to finish a course of anti-biotics, or they have a cough etc. In such cases, the prescribed medicine must be given in at the office for permission to be granted and the necessary consent form signed. You are also welcome to arrange to come into school at a designated time to administer the medicine yourself. 

If your child has a long term condition such as asthma, diabetes etc, then a health care plan will be put into place with the school nurse, and designated and trained staff will oversee and administer, where necessary, any medication and documentation. 

We hope that you find the information here on our School Office page useful and informative, should you have any other queries or questions please contact us by telephone at the office on 01782 720406 or email us