Alsagers Bank
Primary Academy

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

   History    Subject Leaders - Mrs H Carnwell/Miss R Sterio

Subject Documents:

History Intent, Implementation and Impact  History Progression of Skills History Progression of Vocabulary History KS1 Long Term Plan History KS2 Long Term Plan 

History in EYFS & KS1:


KS1 2023-2024


In EYFS, children will learn about the past and present, and how things change over time through their 'Understanding the World' area of learning. In Birch class they are looking after a caterpillar to see how it changes into a butterfly! At the beginning of the term we all planted beautiful flowers and plants, I wonder how they will look when the seasons change?

Y1 and Reception went to Sudbury Hall Museum of Childhood in the summer term to embed their learning of the past and present, and how toys and games have changed over time.

Willow Y1

In the Autumn term, Willow class learned all about the history of transport and explored the enquiry question 'Which transportation changed the UK the most?' Each time they delved into a new mode of transportation they added it to their own transport timeline.

In the Spring term, Willow class have learned all about Kings and Queens and looked into the enquiry question 'How has the role of the Monarchy changed over time?

This term they are focusing on local history and learning all about Reginald Mitchell and the spitfire through the enquiry question 'What was Reginald Mitchell's significance in history?'

Oak Y2

In the Autumn term, Oak class sunk into the past learning all about the Titantic and discussed the enquiry question 'Who was to blame for the sinking of the Titatnic?' The children had lots of fanstastic ideas and thoroughly enjoyed this topic!

In the Spring term, Oak class have learned about the Victorians and explored the enquiry 'How was a child's life in Victorian Britain different to mine now'?'

They put on an excellent assembly about everything they learned and have visited Sudbury Hall Museum of Childhood to travel back in time and have a Victorian lesson!


This term, Oak class are learning all about the Ancient Egyptians in preparation for making comparisions between ancient civilisations in KS2. They are exploring the enquiry question 'What was it like to be an ancient egyptian?'

KS1 2022-2023:

Take a look at what they have all been up to last year:


History in KS2:

KS2 2023-2024

Ash and Sycamore Y3 / Y4 / Y5 

Ash and Sycamore learned all about the Stone Age to the Iron Age during the Autumn term linked with their prior learning of the Ancient Egyptians from last year. They focussed on the enquiry question 'Who would you rather be: A prehistoric Briton or an Ancient Egyptian?'. 

In the Spring term, Ash and Sycamore explored the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings to help them discuss the enquiry question 'How well did the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings get along with each other and what was life really like in Britain at this time?'

This term, they are exploring our local history through the enquiry question 'Why are Stoke-on-Trent's canals so important?'. For the year 4's and 5's this will link into their prior learning of the potteries.

Maple Y6

In the Autumn Term, Maple also learned about an Ancient civilisation and explored the enquiry question 'How did the Ancient Greeks impact our world today?' Below you can see Year 6 using their inference skills to wonder what the artefacts were and what they could tell them about the past:

In the Spring term, Maple class have been learning about World War II and disussed the enquiry question 'The Blitz: All we need to know about World War II?

This term, they will be learning more about their local history through the enquiry question 'How did the minnie pit disaster affect our local area and community?'

KS2 2022-2023

This is what KS2 have been up to: