Computing Subject Leader - Mr R Smith
Computing is where we learn about the process of using digital technology to complete tasks.
Computing Intent, Implementation, Impact
Computing Skills and Knowledge Progression Plan
The Three Strands of Computing
Careers in Computing
it careers a guide to in demand roles.pdf
Introducing the BBC micro:bit. We now have our very on set of micro.bits in school!
Online Safety
Click here to visit our Online Safety page.
National Coding Week 2024 16th September to 22nd September
Coding skills in today’s digital age cannot be overstated. Whether it’s developing apps, designing websites, analysing data, or automating tasks, coding is massively important and in the centre of many technological innovations.
Below are some videos about careers in coding and the opportunities available for both men and women in the coding/computing world.
Watch the videos below to see stories of people working in coding careers.
How to become a coder: Pauline's story 'Learning how to code has built up my confidence and I'm really happy that I get to follow my passion in my day job but also in my personal life.'
How to become a games designer: Rhianne's story 'Working in video games is my biggest passion ever, and I can't see myself doing anything else in the entire world.'
How to become a user experience (UX) designer: Stephen's story 'When I‘ve designed something that not just looks good, but works well… it's just a great feeling.'
Have a look at what Computing looks like for us...
History of Gaming Experience Day
Online Safety
Using the tablets in other subjects
Research and games